~*~ Oman Sky * ســمــا عُـــمـان ~*~
The Blue Sky Of Peaceful Land Of Beautiful OMAN
Monday, January 30, 2012
Hello dears!!!

for 3 days I was just motivated to stop and read about religions and new sects that just confusing me...

I read about many faiths that I already know, and I read about mixed faith that just grabs different parts of other religions and stand like a new faith...

i'm going to talk about that later, I just stopped while I was watching some videos about faiths... i stopped at this experiment about Muslims in America...
I don't know why we should treat others according to their faith or clothing...

I respect my atheist american friend. in fact, i admire his long journey of seeking for truth and his endless power to read and educate himself.

anyhow, i'm thinking to write my own thoughts about that later...

((Just respect others and never judge them blindly.))

posted by Sama Oman @ 2:05 AM   172 comments
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Bad Mood :(

I don't know what to say…

I'm just not in that mood to write what's in my mind.

I've read 2 books, watched several movies, chatted with many friends…

cooked …mmm… rather to say tried to cook some dishes…

That what I've done so far… still having bad mood in this holiday..

I need to go back to work.

I hate holidays (is it possible????)

See you soon with good moody posts.

posted by Sama Oman @ 11:24 AM   121 comments


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Name:Sama OMAN
Home: Oman
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