~*~ Oman Sky * ســمــا عُـــمـان ~*~
The Blue Sky Of Peaceful Land Of Beautiful OMAN
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Here I Am
Here I Am ...again... with you...but don't know what to say !!!
I have many things to share with you...yet i have no time and I'm not in the mood to write!!
Well, what YOU have...I mean...What I missed??!!!
If you have anything to share with me, I'm here to read your OWN thoughts and ideas.
Hope i will be back soon with new good post.
SORRY for letting you down.
Thank you for all who keep visit me here.
I really appreciate that.
posted by Sama Oman @ 11:19 AM  
  • At May 09, 2007 11:51 AM, Blogger Solafa said…


    Dear Sama,

    Don't worry about writting, as i was in the same mood as you. Today after nearly 3 weeks of my last post in my blog, thought of writing something.

    You can check it and give me your thoughts, not that is something special but something to read.

    So keep the mood up, and let the boring go away from you.

    Don't forget to smile, at least you will be giving out sadaqat. :D

  • At May 10, 2007 7:46 AM, Blogger Jeff said…

    Nice to see a post from you and that's a good idea!

    But now I can't think what to write. I'll think about it and come back...

  • At May 11, 2007 2:21 AM, Blogger layal said…

    سما الله معاج
    لكن لما ترجعين رجعي لنا بقوه
    take u time

  • At May 14, 2007 3:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    لازم الانسان تمر عليه فترة من هالنوع
    فما بالنا و الرائعين :)
    سما عمان الرائعة
    خذي راحتج
    و بانتظار عودتج

  • At May 15, 2007 5:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Why women have moods? Good mood, bad mood, mellow mood, shallow mood, feel high, feel low, feel miserable....

    We men are always in good mood, or bad mood, nothing in between, in fact you dont hear us complaining about our moods

  • At May 15, 2007 5:24 AM, Blogger Jeff said…

    I know Muslims don't officially adopt. But imagine what you would do if you were going to raise a baby as your own and love it and you suddenly discovered, just as you were about to take it home that it had all kinds of terrible problems and would probably end up very retarded and handicapped? Read the moving and beautiful story below..it's well worth it:

    A Mother's Love

    http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/13/fa...&oref=s login

  • At May 15, 2007 5:25 AM, Blogger Jeff said…


    Yes, but the women complain about our moods for us, so we don't have to! :p

  • At May 15, 2007 12:27 PM, Blogger Arabian Princess said…


    Muslims can adopt provided they dont write the name of the child as the father's name ..

    I heared a woman who did that .. she had only girls and then she found a boy in the dustbin and the boy turned to be a handicapped .. she still raised him .. I find that a conditional love!

    Miss you girl! and I do undersyand very well .. I have a post that I have been writing for two days and I still cant finish it .. we just miss you so pass by and say something :)

  • At May 16, 2007 7:24 AM, Blogger Jeff said…


    "Muslims can adopt provided they dont write the name of the child as the father's name .."

    You mean they don't give the child the name of his adopted father? Is that it?

    Anyway, here's what IslamOnline says:

    "Islam prohibits adoption but allows Muslims to raise children who are not theirs"

    IslamOnline Adoption Fatwa

    Usually this is called "guardianship" rather than adoption. Adoption means that under law, the adopted parents become recognized as the real parents and get all rights concerning the child.

    This creates big problems in immigration from Muslim countries. If you are adopted, you can come into the US with your parents when they come to live here. But if they are just your guardians, you can't. So we have lots of sad separations where parents come and their children all come, but the one whose parents were killed and has been living with that family since he was a baby, gets separated from his brothers and sisters and has to stay behind.

  • At May 17, 2007 12:53 AM, Blogger Arabian Princess said…

    Jeff, I dont know all the legal requirments.. but what I know in Oman .. that once you take a child to raise it with you .. you become responsible of everything concerning that child .. I know few people who adopted children and they have are responsible of them .. the only difference is that you cant give them the name of the father .. I really dont know if this is adoption or gurdianship.

  • At May 19, 2007 8:41 AM, Blogger Jeff said…

    Yeah, I think that what really matters is what's in your heart and the love you give the child.

  • At May 25, 2007 3:08 AM, Blogger Sama Oman said…

    Solafa…thank you my love. I'm back and I will try to keep going though. Yes, I liked what you posted…I read it and I think it was quite COOL experience to be a super star even for a short time. Well done.
    Maybe next time…you will produce your own films. :)
    Haahahaha, if you do know me well will be amazed…I can't stop smiling to people. Everyone knows me with my salam and smiles. Yes, I will keep this way…it's me and I love to spread FREE smiles…and sadaqat :)

    Layal: thank you my love. I'm still as I was…only new additions entered to my life, but that didn't change me at all.

    بحرينية: يا عمري
    لسانك بينقط عسل والله
    بس لا تخليني أصدق نفسي عاد
    بس والله شكرا يا جميلتي
    مو غريبه على أهلنا و أنسابنا

    Anonymous: so….what about men? They have the same thing….i heard one of them say "I'm not in the mood today". He was upset that day, but them he went back to his normal style.
    Don't be such racist against women just for being a man.
    I liked a man once scolded a young man for not respecting women and said: stop your nonsense…you have to be thankful to them…they are the mothers, the sisters, the daughters, the wives…they do the greatest job by raising generations. God bless him for such Pearls!

    Jeff: first, we do adopt and I talked about this before…we only keep the full name and identity of the child and not change his/her name and family name. YES… we don't give the child the name of his adopted family.
    But, I never thought about the problems of immigration. This is a very important point to discuss.
    Second, the story is nice and I think Anonymous should think again about women and Mother's Love.

    LOL…Arby…………HI…I miss u too... I will try to pass and say hi to all of u. I will be busy again for the next 2 weeks. So, till that…I will try now to pass and leave my comments here and there.

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