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The Blue Sky Of Peaceful Land Of Beautiful OMAN
Monday, November 13, 2006
Cool AND Rare

صورة قديمة نادرة رائعة... لها معي قصة...

فأنا احتفظ بها منذ سنيين طويلة في دولابي الخاص...

لما كنت بالصف الثالث الإعدادي أتت زميلة لي بصور رااااائعة جداً للسلطان قابوس وعرضت علي أن اختار واحدة لي...

أحببت هذه الصورة... يبدو السلطان رائع و لكن لا يبدو سعيد انه في الوسط

*بس أنا دائما أحب أكون بالوسط*

مع أني اعرف الملك الأردني الراحل...لكني لا ادري من تلك المرأة؟!!!

أهي الملكة نور؟!! لا اشعر أنها هي؟!! تبدو مختلفة؟!!

من تكون إذا لم تكن هي؟!! أيعرف أحد منكم من تكون؟!!

مع هذا تبدو صورة جميلة و نادرة
ولا شو رأيكم؟!! :)

A friend gave me this rare and cute photo when we were 15 years old… I saved this old photo for years…this week, I scanned it to share it with you. His Majesty Sultan Qaboos with his friend Late King Hussein of Jordan…and mysterious lady…
sure, she is King Hussein wife…….but which one?!! Could be Queen Noor?!! She looks different here….!!??
I'm not sure till this day about who is she?!!

Anyway…the picture is awesome and can not be repeated.

posted by Sama Oman @ 3:51 AM  
  • At November 13, 2006 5:02 AM, Blogger Arabian Princess said…

    He always looks great :)
    I dont know whos the lady .. but it could be queen 3alia? since its an old photo

    I love him sooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • At November 13, 2006 5:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    اعتقد انها الملكة نور
    الصورة اكثر من رائعة و بنفس الوقت تاريخية
    اشكرك عشان شاركتينه فيها بعرضج
    لها في المدونة

  • At November 13, 2006 6:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Not sure though.. but most likely Queen Noor, cus she married king Hussain on 15th June , 1978 and this around the time of the picture age.. I’m just correlating here but I could be wrong..

    Yes yes, one more thing could support my correlation is that she has American nationality (since she Born in USA) and this could tell us that she had no problem (religiously/traditionally) to sit near (left) of the HM rather than sitting directly next to her husband.. walla hu a3lam..

    But its very unique pic and merci for sharing

  • At November 14, 2006 12:14 PM, Blogger Arabian Princess said…

    No one. The royal family council will have to decided on someone who has an Omani mother and an Omani father .. if they didnt agree in three days, the sultan's will has to be opened by the defence office.

  • At November 15, 2006 4:18 AM, Blogger Sama Oman said…

    AP: sure he is always COOL!
    No...not 3alia...i have a pic for 3alia and she looks different.
    I think could be Noor...even though she looks different here....i don't know why?!

    أهلين والله
    و ين اختفيتي فجأة
    العفو يا حلوة ...تراني أحب هالصور و أجمع فيها
    وأحيانا ما أعرف من هم اللي بالصور بس التاريخ يستهويني

    Yes...i know she married him in 1978...and I have a pic of their wedding. she looked sweet, tiny and with black hair!
    LOL...i know everthing about Noor...and she was Christian and she wasn't speak arabic very well i guess at that time.
    LOL...no she is pretty, but HMSQ looks not comfortable in the middle. :)
    you are welcome...happy you liked the pic.

    Jeff: maybe he should...the precious gem always be in the middle of necklace...
    as AP said...no one has been elected to the next to the throne...

  • At November 15, 2006 7:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    اهلا سما
    كان عندي امتحانين ميد ترم
    و غبت شوي عن التدوين و المدونين
    اشكرك على السؤال لان
    حسيت ان في احد راح يفتقد غيابي

  • At November 17, 2006 3:01 AM, Blogger Sama Oman said…

    ولو يا بحرينية

    أنتي أخت عزيزة
    من بلد غالي حبيب

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