SILLY DREAMS….No…not silly dreams…but dreamy dreams!! I don't know what I can call some of my massive imaginary dreams. Sometimes some of them make me happy for days! Some make me sad all day!! Some make me laugh at myself for months!!!!! How about dreaming famous people "celebrities" that you never met in your life… and what silly dreams…the last dream was totally comic or maybe absurd…one of the famous men in the world came to my dream as a classmate!!…we argued…so I decided to tell our Dean about his arrogant, selfish, stupid act "I don't even remember what that act was"! HaHaHaHaHa…I was so funny in that dream…I was really serious and mad and I felt in my dream that he regretted and was looking at me like a poor man!!! But I looked at him with haughtiness and I determined to complain! LOL…so funny indeed!!! I kept laughing at myself for days!!! Oh My God…I noticed something now…this handsome gorgeous man came to my dreams many times as a classmate and we always were in my school or my classroom studying…What a coincidence! I always dream my schools and my classrooms there…especially primary school…I have strong connection to this school and I don't know why! Oh, if you asking what happened later…yes, I did complain on him and our dean was…Hehehehehe… forget it!!!
Yummy…… of my favorite cookies ever… Ma'mool with Dates! Delicious!

This week I ruined my unnamed diet!! I bought different snacks…potatoes chips, cookies and chocolates. I have problem when I go myself to buy from stores!! I can't control myself and stick to healthy food. You know when you drag that big pushcart…that gives you big desire to fill it with stuffs!! With foods and anything! I tried this time to take the smaller basket, so that will push me to minimize my purchases…but eventually, I asked one of the workers to bring Pushcart because I couldn’t hold my filled basket!!! :( I watched a program 2 days ago called (How to Live Longer!)…so interesting indeed!! They helped a 37 years old single man to adopt new lifestyle…he used to eat only Fast-Food and do no exercises or sports AND he is gluttonous smoker!! He spent 25 years smoking!! When they made test for his biological age….they found out that his lung is 75 years old because that continual smoking! And his biological age is 45! So during 6 weeks they taught him how to replace his bad habits in eating. He gave up smoking immediately when he knew that his lung is that old!! He learnt about the healthiest food and learnt how to go shopping because he never did that! And he bought a refrigerator because he hadn't one! Also, he replaced those fatty snacks into mixed nuts and dried fruits. He starts to walk and goes out a lot…and makes sports when he has free time or at night! So when they did the same tests after 6 weeks… they found that he dropped 5 years of his biological age to be 40!! And his lung dropped one year to be 74! It's an encouraging program and I never knew that mixed nuts and dried fruits are much better than fatty snacks…at least; they are natural and not manufactured! Next time I will buy mixed nuts and dried fruits instead of snacks!
I went to my grandparent house last week…. I love my grandparent's house It's so nice, warm and lovely I feel so safe in that house I love my grandmother's room… Really special, tidy and loveable with that old historical furniture And That unique smell of her fragrance and frankincense touch my soul. It's weird how that old-fashioned house attracts me… I want to stay there and never leave!
Aphorism: "Who hold the pen of destiny will never give himself a miserable life!!!" ========================
Here you are some photos that I took from Matrah Market:
اهلا سما
بخصوص انه الهيلثي فود احسن من الجنك فود هذا كلام عدل و لا غبار عليه
لكن المعضلة تكمن في الارادة التي تمكنك ان تاكل الطعام الصحي ذو الطعم الغير مستساغ و ان تترك الطعام اللذيذ الضار بالصحة للاسف
بالنسبة لي شخصيا فانا احاول و حطي خطين تحت كلمة احاول :)
احاول ان انوع بين انواع الاطعمة المختلفة و ان اكل القليل منها
و لكن و كما تعلمين فان نمط الحياة السريع و اللخبطة التي تجعل اوقات وجباتنا الثلاث اليومية غير منتظمة
و ليست في المنزل في معظم الاحيان بل خارجه
هي من اهم الاسباب انتشار الجنك فود
اكيييد ما في احلى من بيت الجد و الجدة
كفاية الشعور بالدفء و الاصالة في كل التفاصيل
سما الرائعة
اشكرك على البوست الجميل
و بانتظار الجديد