Tuesday, November 21, 2006 |
FOOD…Again |
Okay…I promised I will write about food again…but I'm too busy to translate that article which I don't know where I put it!!!
During this week I watched on TV:
Koreans enjoying lavish traditional meal….
Guess What!!!
Dog Meat with Wine!! LOL…
I can't tell you how my brother face looked like when he heard the word and then watched them enjoying their Dog meat! Hahahahah… I said: for God Sake man, what you will do if you watched them slaughtering that poor dog!!!!!
But, honestly, I was shocked…I love watching Korean Global TV (Arirang) and learn more about traditional life of Korea and other countries and their special foods, but I never thought that Koreans eat DOGS! I mean, I liked "Kimshi" their traditional pickled cabbages with red pepper….really nice. Also, I remember Ginseng and how it can be good in Salad and very good for health!
Anyway, I have picture for roasted dogs market…I don't know in which country, but definitely one of the far eastern countries!
I once watched same market for "ROASTED PIGS" in Arirang TV…really yucky and horrible! ..."Sorry, but you are sick people" ==================

Moreover, I found news about a very young Model girl 'Ana Carolina Reston' who died because of renal failure…she entered hospital and then died later... and that because she kept eating apples and tomatoes only 'as a diet'…she tried to keep her skinny look and that pushed her to reject normal food and only eat what will not give her extra weight… she went so far that cost her life!!
I also, watched a twin who looked like a skeleton and still think they are FAT!! They have ANOREXIA and this happened to many young girls around the world, who trying to be like what Media promoting for…skinny models who can wear all clothes and be glorious. I admit I have same image…I used to be thin and fit in the past and I was thinking that I was FAT… now, I gained lots of extra weight and I just wish I can go back to my normal previous weight and not be like any skinny model!!! We should correct our images…media should take off that skinny sick image of models who themselves suffer to be skinny and throw up all what they eat!
What I can call it "inverted image" happening in Mauritania…I watched that in different programs about Mauritania. Men of Mauritania LOVE and PREFER ONLY the chubby women!! They distaste skinny women!!! So, Mauritanian women trying to gain weight as much as they can to be (attractive) to men! Oh My Goodness…it was so funny and unexpected… I couldn’t contain my laughs, but I think we need to spread this view over the world :)
Well, we need to have a middle ground…not so skinny and not so chubby! Each person has his/her own perfect weight according to the tallness.
We have to be moderate …eat healthy food and make good sports that we love and make it a lifestyle!.
Warning::: Sorry!! I couldn’t publish the pictures of ROASTED DOGS MARKET here because it's so yucky!…. So, if you think that you can handle such pictures…go to my Album and watch it:
SamaOman Album
posted by Sama Oman @ 2:40 AM  |
question pop-up to my mind why women become fat women after get married or the first child, something concerning tranquility!
Sama dear,
Nice album, except for the dog's geast. I thought the album had your baby pics.
Thin or fat, I think the number one priority is to be healthy. The thing is most people judge others by their appearance, I guess its human nature. I feel sorry for the Korean model who died on apples, the poor girl was probably given wrong advice. I know some girls who go to great lengths, starving themselves to stay skinny. I have a Lebanese friend, who weighs 55 kg, and she still complains that she is overweight. She says the only way she can maintain her weight is by eating very little. I admit she has a perfect figure for her body, but is depriving herself of all the good food around her.
There are some parts of Oman where people still prefer "chubby" women.
How about me and you take a trip to Mauritania? By the way, according to the old testament you are not allowed to have that roasted swine meat!
هلا بعمان واهلها و الله موضوع شيق بالنسبة للاكلة الشعبية فاستغفر الله ربي يعني السؤال يقول شلون طرا على اجدادهم يذبحون الكلاب و ياكلونهم ؟! قمة في تلويع الجبد بس مع ذلك رحت صوب البوم الصور و طالعتهم انه الفضول و ما ادراك ما الفضول ههههههه الناس اجناس و الهوس انواع بس اكثر انواع الهوس اللي تكسر خاطري هاذي اللتي تخص الضعف و المتن ليش ما كل واحد يؤمن بنفسه و يرضى عن شكله و الله الحياة تصير احلى سما بهوووت شكريا على هالبوست الجميل :)
Adam: as I know that women naturally gain weight during pregnancy and that reach to 20 kg!! but, they lose it after delivery, so some of them facing difficulty to lose that extra weight and some don't have any problem at all. Actually, some ladies are so lucky that they don't gain lots of weight during their pregnancy. It's all depending on their bodies and genes.
Jeff: this time I write in English without Arabic text….because usually I write first in Arabic and then translate it to English….that take more time with me, while I wrote this post minutes before uploading it. :) You are welcome dear…. Don't mention it :D Poor… daughter-in-law…I forgot about her…hope she is doing well now! That's right!! As I watched in programs… Mauritanian women are naturally thin, but they try to break that and gain weight for men!!! Ungrateful men! I even watched young girl…maybe 17 or so talking about this habit there and she wish to be more fatter… they call it (fattening) or Tasmeen in Arabic…!!! Who do you mean by "Arabian Princess"…the one that we know or another one!!! :) Yeah, who can eat his/her friend!! RIGHT! No offense… but PIG is so ugly and i can't stand looking at it. Oh my God, they don't eat cats as food, but as medicine!! What the…?!!! So, they are eating cats anyway!!
Aww…nice link…thank you…it's great idea to open blog about this case…at least to educate others about it.
Nash: HELLO!!! Thank you dear, but how did you think even think I will publish my pics even as a baby!!! NOOOO…NASH…she is Brazilian cute girl…I found many pictures for models from Brazil…they are so young and so cute…and so thin. That pushes them to try keeping their skinny look even if that threats their health and life. Poor girl…it's all depend on perfect weight…I used to be 59 kg and it was my perfect weight, but I kept complain myself that I'm FAT….look at me now…I now wish to go back to that weight!!! :( LOL…really…in OMAN…amazing!!
Is it true…not allowed in Old Testament?!!
بحرينية: هلا والله بقمر البحرين و نجومه والله ما أدري يا أختي ترا أنا أحب أتابع الأشياء التقليدية في بلاد العالم و كوريا جذبتني بهالقناة الانجليزية مرة حتى شفتهم كيف يعملون خمر تقليدي من الأرز لوووول حتى الأرز مو سالم منهم...وخمر الأرز يستخدموه في الطبخ مثل الخمر العادي (خمر الأرز له شعبية هائلة في اغلب دول الشرق الأقصى ...من منغوليا إلى اليابان) لهذا لازم نعرف و نتحذر من بعض الأكل الأجنبي
وعلى فكرة لحم الخنزير أنواع و أشكال لا حصر لها مثلاً أعرف نوع أسمة البانـــــشيتا...يكون شرائح طولية رقيقة تحمص و يؤكل وحدها كمقرمشات (يا عيني على مقرمشاتهم) أو مع الأكل حتى في الإفطار يأكلوه!!! ولا يقال لحم خنزير بل يسمى بالمسمى اللي له ...لهذا البانشيتا شرائح خنزير. هاهاهاهاها عااااد أنا حذرتكم و أخليت مسئوليتي كلاب مشوية على الطريقة الآسيوية أعوذ بالله ...حتى مو ناضج اللحم هاهاهاهاها وأنا مالي وعععععععع
تسلمي يا الغالية و وجودك يسعدني
Hahahahahah…okay Jeff…did God really say * Buddy* But dear…even if there is no forbidden in religion….how can we eat dogs, pigs, cats, things like that make me sick. I think seafood is better…and better than red meat…
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question pop-up to my mind why women become fat women after get married or the first child, something concerning tranquility!