Sunday, December 03, 2006 |
Lefthanders…The Genius Minority |
It was an interesting article I found over this week. Actually, my brother brought a newspaper and when he found this article…he knew who will be so interested in this subject. It's about this GENIUS MINORITY…

Can you believe that 10% of people of whole world are lefthanders… More than that … left-handed men surpass by almost 10% than left-handed women!!
The article…talked also about how left handed people suffered in the past with silly superstitions…and they considered as devils or sinisters. However, now they consider as a genius group and they are really superior… they are scientists, athletes and famous in so many fields. I already know that Leonardo Da Vinci, Michael Angelo and Prince William are lefthanders, but it was a surprise to know that Queen Mother and Prince Charles are lefty as well…"The article mentioned him as lefty but I didn't find his name in the list though"!!
There are many famous people who are left-handed such as: Prince Willem Alexander of Netherlands, Bill Gates, John F Kennedy, Bill Clinton, George Bush Senior, Gerard Ford, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez, Mahatma Gandhi, Aristotle, Friedrich Nietzsche, Napoleon Bonaparte, Osama Bin Laden, Al-Zarqawi, Julius Caesar, Diego Maradona, Pele, Roberto Carlos, Ricky Marin, Robert De Niro, Julia Roberts, Kate Hudson, Marilyn Monroe, Sarah Jessica Parker, Charlie Chaplin, Jimi Hendrix, Martina Navratilova, Phil Collins…. etc etc etc!!!
Val Kilmer is lefty too!!! I used to be crazy about this man…well, still…but a little! Oh My…even Angelina Jolie , Brad Pitt and Robert Redford are lefty…Awesome! Oh…NO…Keanu Reeves is lefty…and they put him as a Lebanese!!
Well, you could say…Hmm…there are some troublemakers among them… but I will say…hey, at least, there are more great, genius, lovely, sweet and handsome ones as well!!
Yeah, it's a long article with different divisions…but really interesting!
Have I told this before…I'm from this Super Minority?!
Yes, dear….I am!! …and I never ever thought that made me someway weird… On the contrary, I considered it as a unique feature…as you can't find so many lefthanders around you… I love to be always unique and special! :)
Oh, last but not least… |
posted by Sama Oman @ 1:54 AM  |
ok now I consider myself left handed too .. with all the cool people above being left handed :p
naah I am right handed .. but for some reason I find it easy to deal with my left hand .. maybe I am the few talanted people who could use both? :p lool
I drive with my left hand handling the steering; no tha should make my driving unique.
Yep I met left-handed and most of them either smart or at least lucky my family out of 10 broth and 4 sis, its only one sister who is left, at least I know she is lucky ‘ yeah cus I’m her brother ’
When it comes to polo game’ riding horses and kicking the ball “ I know that they are not allowed to play this game. And I knew Prince Charles used to play this game when he came long back to Oman, so now from your post I got confused when I know he is a ‘ left-hand’ too…. Its like I have “ a water melon in my head’ !!!!
انه بعد ويااااكم انا بعد عسماوية يعني اكتب باليد اليسرى الااااااي صراحة ما توقعت ان لنا يوم عالمي خلاص عيل راح احتفل فيه و راح اجبر اخواني اييبون لي فيه هدية نظرا لاني الوحيدة اللي اكتب باليسار في البيت لوووووووووول و انا صغيرة بالروضة كنت الون صفحة مرسوم فيها عصافير راحت وحدة من اليهال لاحظت اني الون باليسار جان تقولي انتي يلون معاج الشيطان انا هني تخرعت رحت الون باليمين و كنت ما اعرف اتحكم بالقلم لكن كل شي الا الشيطان يلون معاي هههههههههههههه و بعدين تعفست الرسمة و التلوين طلع بره و الحاله قامت لكن الحمدلله بعدين دريت ان هالشي من الله اني ارسم و اكتب باليسار فبتالي الشيطان ما راح يكتب و يرسم معاي ههههههههههههههههههههههه سما الجميلة الصافية الخالية من الغيوم حاليا اشكرك على البوست من المتابعين ان شاء الله :)
interesting article Sama ;)
you know , I'm the one in the house right-handed person out of 5 siblings =D.And I'm one of five out of whole family with left- handed =D. The equation turn to us here, we ( right-handed) people are the unique =D.
Though, I can control with both hands, I can drive with left hand and write too and other stuff =).
Yaa ,I'm unique =D
Good informative article, thanks Sama.
I find it hard to beat left handed people at sports.
I have a friend who was originally left handed, in school he got trained to use his right hand, he can now barely use his left hand, so practically he has turned from left handed to right handed person. A Japanese friend of mine was left handed, his dad trained him to use right right, he can now write well with both hands.
So you are left handed Sama? I know left handed people are quick at throwing punches, so you better watch it bloggers!
Well, Good responses….thank you all Awww…Jeff Dear…………..Thanks…you are nice. I really looked at it as unique feature and I'm happy to be lefty :)
AP: Hmmm…I think I forgot to mention this…I can use my right hand in some activities along with my left hand………but still…my left hand dominate.
Brainy: thanks for saying this…….ma sha allah…you have big family…. hahahah…NO…I think you are the lucky one to have UNIQUE and GENIUS sister. Yes, I'm defending my type :D oh, I know about William, but not Charles…I'm not sure till now.
بحرينية: هلا والله بالغالية المميزة وأنا أقول ليش بحرينية بهالروعة و الجمال و الذكاء و خفة الدم و قربها للقلب هاهاهاهاها يعيش العسراوين
ما شاء الله هذا بيكون سبب إضافي لروعة العسراوين
جميل أن يكون لنا يوم خاص وخاصة في شهر أغسطس فهو شهر ميلادي وشهر مواليد برج الأسد
والله حبيبتي كان فيه عندي زميلات يحاولن أن ينتقصن من العسراوات بس أنا ما كنت اهتم و كنت أرد على الأقل فينا ميزة والنادر هو النفيس والأغلى أن الشيء المتوفر بكل مكان تقل قيمته وزادت ثقتي بالعسراوين لما وجدت قبل سنين طويلة عنهم وعن عبقريتهم المتمثلة في علماء و فنانون عظام مثل دافنشي ومايكل أنجلو يعني صار عندي رصيد معلومات تجعلني أهزم من يحاول أن ينتقص منا نحن الأقلية العبقرية :)
Sweetness: thanks dear and welcome. Usually…few members in family can be lefty…I'm the only one in my family. So, you are surrounded with Great lefty…you are more luckier than Brainy! Yes, some people can use both hands regardless lefty or not…………but lefthanders are more command on using both hands "according to studies"
NASH: you are welcome dear. That's another problem when we find parents trying to force their lefty kids to be right handed and beat their nature and force them compulsorily to use their right hand………it will be okay if they encourage them to use right hands beside their left hands to be able to use both hands without compulsion. Anyway, nowadays….people started to see it's a normal…it's a unique feature and to be lefty is totally a BLESS! As for sports………in the article the said: Beware to go in fight with lefthanders…they can beat you easily with their left hands. That's true…….i use both hands in some activities, but only left hand control writings and other stuffs like "throwing punches" :D
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ok now I consider myself left handed too .. with all the cool people above being left handed :p
naah I am right handed .. but for some reason I find it easy to deal with my left hand .. maybe I am the few talanted people who could use both? :p lool