Okay…how to tell you this… I missed great opportunity to create nice and lovely friendship with this sweet, lovely and calm girl… I took this picture while she was busy with her magazine when we were waiting for our flights in first time… it is not clear…but enough to start my search. We shared same flight and waited for long time last week. We only smiled at each other different times and finally I talked to her, but only for a minute… as we were busy to change the flight and then, we left!!!… I really regretted leaving before even giving her my address. I can't tell much about it now…I need to find her if there is a possibility…
Hints: She is German… "I don't know her name…so I called her Carol" She was heading to Munich in Germany last week… AND She had "Hello Kitty Doll" in her big bag "LOL…I liked that doll"
I will be really grateful for anyone who can give me information about her….
*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* I think traveling is a great opportunity to meet various people and maybe create friendship with some… I really liked to chat with that girl more…but I left and I regretted that. I love to smile to all people no matter who they are… smiling is the key to open any heart.
سما عندي سؤال
كيف قدرتي تاخذين لها الصوره؟؟
يعني من غير ما تحس ؟؟