I remember when I stopped eating red meat few years ago. That was because I found horrible pictures of Palestinian people tore apart by Israeli bombings. I got fever at that time for more than 2 weeks and I felt sick when I see any red meat…I hated meats and I linked that with that horrible pictures.
However, I healed, forgot and went back to my ordinary life.
Then, I found a new study about cancers according to countries and peoples. They found that all kinds of cancer are widespread in "England" (where people eat all kinds of meat…and plenty of meats)….
While they found that cancers are almost none in another country… poor Muslim country called "Albania" (where people eat only vegetables and fruits…well, because they are poor and eat only what they plant in their lands). Being poor can be good thing and healthy too.
So, eating meats is not good and healthy as eating fruits and vegetables.
Then, I watched with my brother a program about "the strangest foods in the world". It was awful indeed. The ugliest one was about Ducks' Eggs…this kind of food serves in eastern Asian and I guess in Thailand… the idea of this food is so horrible. They collect the ducks' eggs and put them in a good place for incubation and to let the embryos grow in that eggs…after 3 weeks or so they check all eggs and if the embryos grew well and alive in eggs…they cook them in boiling water!!!
That shocked me and my brother…Oh My Goodness…that was sick and inhuman way to torture a living creatures… how can they let babies grow and be a living creatures and then boil them!!! Can you imagine a human embryos boiling in water for you to eat them!!!!
That was terrible and my brother stopped eating eggs since that day!
Do you know what?! In eastern countries, they eat anything, everything… I watched once program about foods…then, a girl from there said and laughed: we eat everything…we don't have anything forbidden!!!
Is it really about forbidden things in religions??!!
I don't think so…as humans I think we agree that there is limits for things… how can they let ducks' embryos grow and be living creatures and then boil and kill them…
"I couldn’t remember the name of this feral food…I guess something like BOOOT"
Recently, my brother told me about new channel he found called "
Supreme Master Television". I watched this new channel and I liked what they promote for…be vegetarian and not cannibals. They even broadcast some horror clips of killing some animals…not really killing, but torturing…that horrified me more and make me more serious about vegetarian issue.
Hmmm…I should go step by step to achieve that… maybe I won't be vegetarian 100%...I will try to be more Vegetarian.
Oh…the new TV channel is about lady called "Ching Hai"…I thought they are saying "Changhai" at first time I heard the word…but later I found out that was the name of lady…
I didn't care about this lady and her blah blah…I only liked the idea of vegetarian for long time. Besides, I watched their channel for a bit of time and only to see more about vegetarian ideas and not to listen to this woman. My impression about her is that she wants to be like a prophet or Saint or something religious, spiritual, holy for people (as I saw, she trying to be like JESUS). So,… Yeah…. that's crap and for that I didn't watch the channel more than few times.
Fact: digesting Fruits and vegetables can take from 30 to 40 minutes or less….while digesting heavy meals like meat can take more than 3 hours!!! So, you should not eat fruits before or after meals directly otherwise that will cause fermentation of fruits in your stomach…. Eat fruits or drink water 30 minutes al least before meals.
Anyway…to be more realistic…I won't be vegetarian…but 1/2 vegetarian. I love seafoods and I can't leave it!!! I love white meats, so more seafoods and white meats … and less of red meats. More vegetables and fruits too. As Muslims, we have limitations with eating animals… for examples: the SM TV said: don't eat your dog!!!! WHAT?!!! Who will eat dogs?!! Dogs, pigs, snakes, frogs, lizards, insects and many more of unexpected creatures.. Yucky!
LOL…I have a picture of roasted dogs market in some of the far eastern countries… my brother said: Yuck! While I said: that's nasty!!
What do you think about that?
What do you think about being a meat eater?!
I am also 1/2 vegetarian
I don't like red eat,except "Kebda eskandarani" (= Fried Liver)
It know it seems disgusting in some countries.. but eating Fried Liver is so great.
I love also Shawarma and i know how to make it delicious.
in my opinion,vegetables are more healthful than meat.