Thursday, May 11, 2006 |
Me and My Blogs ^_^ |
Yes…let me tell you about me and my blogs.
 I have 6 Blogs!!!! Please, Don't panic because only 3 are active and 3 are sleeping… Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Anyway, My first Blog "the unknown girl", started in 2004…no wait, don't raise your eyebrow, because I left my blog after few posts and I didn't return till this year, oh please don't freak out… I was too busy and I felt I'm not in good mood for any blog. Then, a pure chance reminded me with my sweet blog, so I came again and started all over, I shook off the time's dust and cleaned the whole blog and refreshed it with new LOOK and new posts. I tried to be really active and share others, I went randomly to see blogs and choose the good ones. I found really sweet, serious and respectable western people. We started to share our thoughts and opinions about common interested things, till one of them started to mocking on Muslims reaction about offensive cartoons and I tried to inform him properly about the case, and finally I took my step and opened New Blog, Islamic Blog, independent, and there is no related between that unknown girl blog and The Islamic blog.. So then, new blog huh,.. yeah. that wasn't easy and I tried to make it so special, do you imagine how many times I changed the template of the Islamic blog?!!! nearly 6 times or more!!!… I was really confused which one is the best look for an Islamic blog… step by step I personalized my Islamic blog and make it look good and nice… I have good readers and they helped me a lot to come up with new subjects and posts. After a while, I started to think about my OMAN, why I don't have Omani blog and declare for the first time about my proud nationality, so I did, I opened a blog, then the second one, and then the third one, What??? Three!!!!,,, yea, I wasn't sure about the good name for my Omani blog, so I opened three and after a week I decided which one I will take, OMAN SKY,, it's my nickname now, SAMA OMAN…. Well, it's not that easy allright! I almost trapped my self few days ago...when I was nearly to put a reply on a comment in my Islamic blog by using Sama Oman name…. LOOOOOOOOL That was close! That's what make my job so hard… each blog has its own owners, names, faces, posts, its own visitors and regular readers/friends, its own and different orbit,
I should keep each one away from the other's blogs to stay unidentified.
I did well so far, because one of the good readers in my Islamic blog has visited my unknown girl blog and couldn’t find out that we are the same girl!!!! LOOOOOOL… I can be an excellent secret agent! ;p
So, you should excuse me if I'm too slow in this blog… I have my own priorities and Islamic blog is No. 1 now.
As for whom want my Islamic blog or my unknown girl blog… you should know by now that it's not possible to declare my owning of these blogs in public. It will ruin my whole project of separating and secrecy.
If you asking yourself now: how can I do that and manage these blogs with its own stories and peoples… well, not easy, but I'm not working now … I don't have job nor courses or studies. So, FREE girl I am…and instead of wasting my time collecting cartoons and celebrities pictures/news and so, I found this much important and much useful for me and for others, exchange information and meet wonderful people. "and away from useless chatting!"
What do you think NOW?! :o)
posted by Sama Oman @ 10:41 AM  |
عشان خاطر الأميرة أم قصي ، ودي أعطيك عنوان البلوج الإسلامي ، بس عن طريق الإيميل ـ لوووووووووول Top Secret أنا فتحت أيميل خاص جدا باسم البلوج الإسلامي نفسه يعني بسهولة جدا تعرفين العنوان من اسم الإيميل نفسه. أعطيني أيميلك و برسل لك أيميل بدون كلام لان عنوان الإيميل نفسه بيعطيك العنوان . . حركااااااااااااااات هذا اذا لسه ودك تدخلين له و تشوفين ندواتي و محاضراتي هاهاهاهاهاهاهاهاها صدقتي نفسي والله لا و الله البلوج شبابي اسلامي بناتي اخواني لكل الأخوة مسلمين -مسيحين-ملحدين-وكل من يريد الاشتراك.
lool @ jeff .. you know what she was saying in those squiggly letters???
well that she would give me a link to the islamic blog .. nayahahaha :p
ok my email is: arbprnces[at]hotmail[dot]com
Jeff: (squiggly letters)
LOOOOOOOOOOL Oh, No. I'm not MEAN…I'm sweet little angel (ask my daddy!) As I said, each one has its own people and posts and owners. So how do expected me to reveal: Oh …people…listen, I have this blog and this and this, and I was keeping it as a secret... For God Sake You are not serious,,, don't u?!!! LOOOOOOOL You are really curious to know my blogs >>>TOP SECRET.
My princess: are u serious, is it ur e-mail allright? because I'm gonna send an email to it???? Tell me if that's right or just a joke!
Jeff: Huh Well, this is a lesson for you: هاهاهاهاهاهاهاهاهاهاهاها Means: Hahahahahahahahahahah
لوووووووووووول Means: LOOOOOOOOOOL
حركااااااااااااااااات Means: It's a word means movements, but we use it here as an expression of some crazy things we wanna do.
Still, I'm a super girl to do that, Come on, admit it ;p
yes it is my email for sure .. of course instead of the [at] put @ and instead of [dot] put . :)
waiting for your email
well yah like sama explained, its like lool, hahaha (it seems brown eyes are good at spotting words from non words :p )
Princess: Okay, I will send my e-mail now, but you should keep it as a secret.
Jeff: ((Three-Blog Sky-Girl Secret-Agent)) LOOOOOOOL I like this title, I will open new blog with this name- JK. U should be happy that I reveal the truth here, and not in other blogs…sure, the people of the other 2 blogs know nothing about my owning of 3 blogs and 3 other in COMA. No, sorry, I didn't drive anyone crazy but you :) You r the only one who is so jealous, so curious and so upset about this truth and this secret.
For God sake, Hahahah is Hahahaha LOL is LOL LOL = Laugh Out Loud Ha Ha Ha = is literally the sound of Laughing. Movements = acts that we think it's unusual, crazy , funny …etc!! and harmless,, so no need to run, u should laugh and enjoy :) What The hell I'm doing??????? Making a philosophy lesson.
Yeah, Jeff, nice idea, brown-eyed girl, sounds Great… But how about brown-eyed girl and her green-eyed uncle.. Hahahah,, more colorful !!!
For God Sake, Did you really expected my unknown girl link will be ( What a shame!!!!!!!!!! I'm taking the special, unique and gorgeous names for my blog, not something characterless like that…… yuck! And how did you think that I will put the real name of my blogs in that exposed way??? Come on, you are not serious… don't you?!!!!!!!! As for my sleepy blogs,, I will keep it as long as I want, I just love some names and titles, so I booked up the names before other people. Clever…am I :)
For God Sake Jeff That JK is "Just Kidding"!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOL you are not belong to the net sphere :)
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عشان خاطر الأميرة أم قصي ، ودي أعطيك عنوان البلوج الإسلامي ،
بس عن طريق الإيميل ـ لوووووووووول
Top Secret
أنا فتحت أيميل خاص جدا باسم البلوج الإسلامي نفسه
يعني بسهولة جدا تعرفين العنوان من اسم الإيميل نفسه.
أعطيني أيميلك
و برسل لك أيميل بدون كلام لان عنوان الإيميل نفسه بيعطيك العنوان .
هذا اذا لسه ودك تدخلين له و تشوفين ندواتي و محاضراتي
صدقتي نفسي والله
لا و الله البلوج شبابي اسلامي بناتي اخواني
لكل الأخوة مسلمين -مسيحين-ملحدين-وكل من يريد الاشتراك.